Monday, July 02, 2007

Presenting The 'Zorse'

It's a mutant, but it's beautiful.

This is what you get when a horse and zebra successfully mate :
It looks as if someone tried to give a zebra a respray. . . then ran out of white paint halfway through the job.

But in reality there is no artificial colouring on display here. This amazing but natural coat belongs to Eclyse the zorse.

Her father is a zebra, while her mother is a horse. And she's walking proof of how a child inherits genes from both parents.

For while most zebra-horse crossbreeds sport stripes across their entire body, Eclyse only has two such patches, on its face and rear.

The one-year-old zorse was the accidental product of a holiday romance when her mother, Eclipse, was taken from her German safari park home to a ranch in Italy for a brief spell.

Horses and zebras are often crossbred in Africa and are used as trekking animals on Mount Kenya.

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